
Disciple Of The Local Church

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A Written Assignment 3
Cynthia Taylor
DSMN 500- B10
September, 2014

According to Early & Dempsey, “a disciple is a person, while discipleship is a process. A disciple is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ who is intimately involved in the mission of Christ. On the other hand, discipleship is the process of moving the disciple towards spiritual maturity and the mission of Christ. Being a disciple is God’s perfect will for every individual life; however, discipleship is God’s will for every individual church” [1]
The Great Commission denotes that disciples must be made. Many worship opportunities have been provided by the church such as fellowship, bible study and church events that will aid in developing the mind-set of Christ, being obedient to the commands of Christ, engaging in his commission and being transformed into His image. According to Jesus disciples need to be made and informed.
How disciple are made? According to Disciple Shift, pastor and author Jim Putman describes diverse stages of spiritual growth with simplicity. In defining these five spiritual growth stages he informs the reader of their beliefs and how the local church and a Christian community should implement a plan to help individuals to maturity in reaching these stages: spiritually dead, spiritual infants, spiritual children, spiritual young adults, and spiritual parents.

Spiritually dead the first stage comprising of sinners, unsaved

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