
Discover Your Strengths

Satisfactory Essays

Key Challenge

The Discover Your Strengths (DYS) Program has had difficulties trying to increase attendance and awareness among university students and staff, affecting less than 2% of the student population on the best years that your program has experienced. Individuals who take the assessment find value on it, and they recommend their employees or students to take it. However, the key challenge of this campaign is to come up with recommendations that attract new students or professionals, who have to decide to participate on their own.

Opportunity: With the program currently only affecting 2% of the student population, there is big room for improvement and many areas where the awareness can be created, starting by a more programmed marketing …show more content…

To grow knowledge of the DYS Program by 10% among student body.
2. To achieve 15% engagement growth (600 individuals) who take the assessment in the academic year 2018-2019.
3. To achieve permission from the Department of Athletics to pilot test a partnership between them and the Department of Leadership Initiatives.

Research and Situation Analysis

The research method selected for this campaign was an evaluation form (see attachment 1), reaching out to students and staff who have taken the assessment in the past. Five people provided their feedback about their personal experience of attending the workshop. The results showed an overall positive opinion about the workshop. However, there was some agreement among participants in the way that they think the program could be improved.

Key Findings
1. More material covering how to apply strengths would be helpful.
2. Any material that can be practically applied would be helpful to learn to internalize the strengths at a more personal level.
3. Opportunity for themed workshops focusing on professional development areas like interviews, conflict mediation, and project management, as well as personal relationships.
4. The explanation detailing how these strengths

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