
Do Children That Eat Breakfast?

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Do children that eat breakfast have better grades than those that do not eat breakfast? I read up on this and what I found is that research indicates that there is truth to this study. Some studies have indicated that students who eat breakfast were able to perform task better, have less minimal medical problems such as depression, maintain a healthy weight and have better grades than those who skip due to not enough time or lack of appetite. ‘’Not only should breakfast be a top priority for parents and children every morning, breakfast ranks right up there with making sure your children have finished their homework”.(Better Grade Through Breakfast Vibrant Life Mar.2001:8 Health Reference Center Academic. Web.1.Nov 2015). Research also …show more content…

“ Studies also suggest that and an increase in attention following breakfast, compared with no breakfast, showed that many kids are showing signs of increased on task behavior. Kids that attend free lunch programs with the US Department of Agriculture School Breakfast Program have higher scores in math, science and reading compared to those students that do not attend these programs.” University of Iowa. (2015, March 17). (Better breakfast, better grades. Science Daily. Retrieved November 1, 2015). Children who skip breakfast are found to skip school, experience behavioral problems, and have poor grades. It was also noted that children who experience hunger or may be living in poverty levels have shown to have lower math scores and are more likely to have to repeat a grade. Children that suffer from hunger will more than likely have behavioral, emotional and academic problems throughout school. These children may also experience being hyperactive and late to school on occasion. We should also mention that kids that are undernourished scored lower on cognitive tests than those that ate breakfast. We have all heard that you better eat your breakfast so you can do good in school. I remember my mom telling me this. A study shows that some kids don’t eat before school. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so it has often been quoted. No fuel means no energy and much like a car, you need fuel to get you going first thing in the am. This is true for anyone

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