
Essay on Do You Have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

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Do You Have ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most researched psychiatric disease, but it is a disease we cannot confidently explain what the true cause is. “In children, ADHD has become the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric condition worldwide.” (Bailey,1) According to a news report prepared by USA Today over the past five years, the use of ADHD medications have increased 40% totaling 39.5 million individual prescriptions ("New findings," 2009). That goes to show a huge increase in prescriptions and the disease being diagnosed. Many people argue that ADHD is part of normal childhood and that the disease is fictional. While the question regarding the validity of ADHD is surrounded by controversy, scientific and …show more content…

ADHD can be categorized in one of three groups that being; Inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, or both of them combined. In order to be diagnosed with inattention disorder you must have six or more symptoms out of the nine to be present for at least six months and present by the age of seven. It also has to be to the point where the symptoms are so bad and consistent that it becomes disruptive or inappropriate for the development as specified in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) manual’s criteria. (Brown & Rickel 2.) The nine symptoms include; Not paying close attention to details and careless mistakes, trouble keeping attention, not listening when spoken to, not following instructions, failing to finish tasks even simples ones such as homework or chores, being unorganized, avoiding complicated or tedious tasks, misplacing things often, being easily distracted and forgetful. To be diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder a child must meet six or more of the following symptoms as well, and it has to be present for more than six months by age seven. Those symptoms include; fidgety with hands and feet, gets up from their seat when they are not supposed to, runs around when it is inappropriate, trouble playing quietly, often on the go as if they are run by a motor, talks excessively, and have trouble waiting their turn. In order to be diagnosed with both you have

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