There are many mental illnesses in the world, some are diagnosed, while others suffer silently without attempting to get the help they need. Depression is just one of those many illnesses that affect people in a multitude of ways. Even though depression affects individuals mentally, depression also has specific, age-related effects. It is going to look different when it appears in an adult than it will when it is a child, or even from one gender to the other. For instance, during childhood, boys have a higher rate of depression than girls do. It is often overlooked because depressed boys tend to act out and the underlying depression is often missed. Dysthymia, a milder form of depression, is most commonly found in elementary children. This …show more content…
This could be due to the fact that when a child is depressed, he or she becomes more sensitive to failure. The fear of failing becomes more defined, increasing the chance that he or she will stop trying to do anything. This could then lead to the feeling that everything is meaningless (“Depression in Children and Adolescents”). Depression is a lifelong struggle. Therefore, a child who suffers from depression is very likely to suffer from it when in his or her teenage years and as he or she becomes an adult. As the child progresses into his or her teens, depression can have a negative influence on his or her school work as well as relationships (“Teen Depression”). As he or she becomes an adult, it can impact his or her job. He or she might have a hard time accomplishing what is expected of him or her. This could lead to him or her having a hard time keeping a job (“How Depression Affects the Workplace”). Depression does not only affect the child with the illness, but it also influences the people surrounding them. Friendship is based on the fact that the two people enjoy each others company. When one is depressed, the joy and happiness that is usually felt with a friend can disappear, leaving a strain on that
Depression- the most diagnosed mental illness in the world- is also the most misunderstood. Depression?a sad or discontented mood?can leave a person feeling lethargic, unmotivated, or hopeless, and in some cases ? contemplate suicide. Unfortunately, depression usually begins as high levels of anxiety and with exposure to trauma in children. Higher levels of anxiety or exposure to stress-inducing and traumatic situations as a child could mean an increased risk of depression as an adult. Although a serious mental illness all over the world in
One thing that can cause depression is a perfectionistic personality (""). With all the stress that comes along with trying to perfect every practice can possibly depress a child. Children are supposed to be having fun playing with friends on playdates and concentrating on school work not getting first place at a beauty pageant where they learn nothing beneficial to them.
Depression in children stem from a variety of factors relating to health, history, life events, genetic vulnerabilities, family history, and biochemical imbalances. Every individual shows different symptoms when suffering from depression; however, these symptoms interfere with the child’s daily living at school and home. Psychotherapy and medication are the most common treatments for children with depression (Depression in
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the
Depression is a disorder that can happen to anyone. It occurs more frequently with age and it is not seen in children as much as it is seen in teenagers and adults. When an individual is depressed, they experience sadness, hopelessness, low energy, lethargy, sleep changes, loss of interest, appetite changes, agitation, and many other symptoms. This can happen for many reasons, even by being around someone who suffers from depression. In the article Biased Processing of Emotional Information in Girls at Risk for Depression, by Jutta Joormann, Lisa Talbot, and Ian H. Gotlib, it is mentioned how daughters are at high risk of becoming depressed if their mothers are suffering from Major Depression Disorder (MDD). A study was done to see if the cognitive theory was true and there were many tests that were done in order to prove its validity.
Society loses with the increase in depression by having success rates and production rates declining. Depression is not the only factor in a happiness and success, classroom participation of children also influences society and its future.
This is because the thoughts of a child who is depressed are negative and demeaning. Though the child may be nice looking or smart, he or she won’t see what everyone around them sees. If the child is given a gift or an opportunity, he or she will view it as luck and only focus on the reasons why he or she didn’t deserve it. Depression causes one’s thinking process to be completely distorted and the world around them has nothing but negative things to offer.
Depression has been a disorder that affects emerging adults. Most adults have encountered some forms of depression in their lives. The most heartbreaking problems were that it could not be cured, but it could be managed. It could manifest at any point in life. For most people, they started to show some signs of depression in high school. For example, when I met my friend called John Walcott on our senior year at Lincoln high school. His parents were going through divorce. He was sad in class and sometimes burst into tears. He walked out of class. I followed him and he told me that he felt guilt about his parent’s divorce and it was his fault. I told him that most children thought that they are the reason of their parents to sect apart, but
There are gender differences in prevalence and symptoms reported for depression in boys and girls.(6) These differences are associated with Tanner stage III of (pubertal) development and ages 12-14.(2) Girls are twice more likely to be depressed than boys.(3, 7) Girls called Childline roughly 4 times more than boys about depression.(8) Boys are more likely to report anhedonia and morning fatigue whereas girls are more likely to feel sad, feel guilty, think they’re ugly and
Despite much interest, much of the thinking regarding social and psychological influences on child and adolescent depression is still based on theories derived from work with depressed adults. Probably the most common psychological explanation of depression would be separation or loss. The loss could be real, as in a death or move, or it could be separation anxiety that could be present when the child begins school or parent returns to work. This could be a very emotion time for the child and they may need some extra help learning to cope with their feelings.
Clinical depression, depression, biological depression, and major depression, all refer to the same thing: feeling sad for weeks or months on end. Depressed individuals struggle with feelings of dispaer, hopelessness, and no energy; things like getting out of bed, taking a shower, and eating become hard to do. Recent evidence has validated clinical depression in children as young as age 3, but not much data is available to gauge treatment of early childhood depression (Luby, 2011). These kids are often left behind in school academically and socially. A helping hand from a teacher could make all the difference in the world to them. I
Most people think that sadness and depression are terms refer to the same emotional disorder level. In fact, sadness is the behavior that occurs as a result of facing some difficulties in our daily life and it is usually continues for a couple of days. While depression is a serious mental illness that happen due to the continual feeling of sadness that persist for weeks, months and even years. Depression can affect people from all ages, in 1975, the National Institute of Mental Health announced that depression is no longer considered “an adult disease,” it can also affect people at young age. Depression among children is very common in the recent years , according to the National Comorbidity Survey examination in 2010, the depressive
Depression, what is it? It is a well-known brain disorder that shows sadness in mood. The symptoms of depression can vary for individuals from feeling irritable, angry, worried, anxious, loss of energy, social withdrawal, and mood swings to lack of sleep and concentration, poor appetite leading to weight gain or loss, and in some extreme cases, suicidal thoughts. It is usually , most use in adults and young adults. Does it show in young school-age children? There has been a lot of research on this topic and although it is hard to believe, depression could show up in preschool-age children as early as three years of age. About 2.5% of children in the United States suffer from depression. The feeling of depression can lessen but without the right care, it can get worse, so individuals should contact a mental health specialist. A physician or therapist may recommend medical care depending on the child’s state of depression or may recommend that the parent/ caregiver show patience and/or care for the child if that’s all the child needs.
Major depression affects one in fifty school children. Countless others are affected by milder cases of depression, which may also affect school performance. The peak age of depression correlates with the peak years of low self-esteem. Right at the prime period for low self-esteem is early and middle
Depression is one of the most common psychological problems that most of the teenagers go through in their life span. 3 out of 4 teenagers are the victim of the depression. Unrealistic education pressure, family and social expectation can lead to deep disappointment that eventually leads to the depression. Depression can interfere with normal functioning and frequently causes problems with work, academic grades, personal and family relationship. People who are depressed are less likely to talk about their problems and their feelings .It is not like any other medical problem where there is really a symptom like diabetes or headache and strangely when it comes to mind and brain people feel that it is in your own control and there is nothing you have to do about it .There is little bit of stigma attached to depression that one should not talk about depression. The person who is depressed is fundamentally flawed or weak.