
Domestic Abuse And Substance Abuse

Decent Essays

Domestic abuse and substance in a family can traumatize any children going through this outbreak. Spouses, parents, stepparents, children, siblings, elderly relatives, and intimate partners may all be targets of domestic/substance abuse. Domestic violence is the most risk factor impacting a child’s social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Violence, aggression, and substance abuse between members of the family have been continued patterns of family life. I want to see the outcome of how children interact, cope or deal with life after living in a domestic abuse or substance abuse situation. As teachers it is our duty to call child protective services or call the number for domestic abuse when we see a child hurt or bruised. “The research objectives were to examine if and how they identify, assess and meet the needs of children and our young people who are vulnerable as a result of domestic abuse, to identify gaps in service provision and professional practice and make recommendations for improvement” ( Peckover p. 401). As a teacher we have to make sure to teach slowly and gain the child’s trust if they came from an abusive family. We have to gain their trust in order to speak to them, give comfort to them without them cringing, and to make sure to say that we are there for that child. When we get a child from such background it is our duty to change plans and teach that child at a pace that won’t get hard on them.. When we receive such a child we have to produce a

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