
Donald Trump Pros

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3 Things Donald Trump’s Presidential win taught us
Donald Trump won the US elections to the absolute disbelieve of many. This were people who refused to pay close attention to facts some of which were discoursed months before the election by Charisma on Command and Scot Adams.
We’ve learned a few things from Trump’s win some of which I’d share with you.
1). Don’t believe anything you see on the media
I was amazed at some of the fake news about Trump I saw circulating various African news websites and the funny thing is that people believed them without doing research.
Prior to the election, it was evident the mainstream media was pro-Hillary. They tried so hard to protect Hillary while always taking a jab at Trump.
None of them –as far as I know—gave any indication that Trump won the presidential debates. But if you watch the debates and are true to yourself, you’d agree to this. …show more content…

People fight back...
Most major news outlets, public figures and average folks tried to make everyone that supported Trump seem like a sexists, racists, homophobes, islamophobes, and this was just a terrible decision.
It rather filled the fire behind Trump’s supporters, and encouraged more people to secretly vote in support of Trump (Stockholm-Trump Syndrome you may say)
3). Bad publicity is better than no publicity
Trump said this in his book, “Art of the Deal”, and it has proven to work for him during his presidential campaign.
Trump has said some foolish things during his campaign. But some of the things he said have been blown out of propulsion by the mainstream media.
Trump also made very polarising statements that helped to keep him 24 hours on the news, and he uses each coverage for marketing.
We don’t know what the future holds with Trump as the president of the United States of America, but we should all be

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