
Dress For Success : School Uniforms

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Dress for Success? School Uniforms
Tureicka McClendon
Louisiana College
Educational Leadership
ED 600
Dr. Amy Craig & Dr. Marion Skiles
September 19, 2015 Dress for Success? School Uniforms
Purpose of the Study
School Uniforms has an everlasting effect on some students. Weather it is in the classroom or out in public. This study debates the diverse effect that school uniform has on student achievement, attendance, and behavior (Gentile & Imberman, 2012 pg. 1). Often students and parents are so caught up on school uniform or dress code for a fashion statement, they tend to forget the true meaning of education. Today a very large portion of public schools has adopted dress school into the school curriculum.
How was the Study Conducted?
The data were collected from a large metropolitan school district in the southwest United States (LUSD-SW). The author used two sets of data collection, the first fixed data came from administrative archives (1993-2006). Which consisted of all students demographic, test scores, disciplinary and attendance records. Testing facts included student’s scaled scores on the Stanford Achievement Test (9th & 10th editions). Discipline facts involved of any students who received as a punishment ISI (in school suspension) or OSS (out of school suspension). Attendance facts comprised of student complete attendance report.
The second fixed data entail a three questions mailed or e-mail questionnaire to all school principals in the LUSD-SW

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