
Drill Instrutor Report

Decent Essays

The United States Marine Corps recruiter may not have promised me a rose garden, but she did say my time in the service would help me become a more productive member of society; she was not lying. The Marine Corps provided 13 years of varied job experience that would not have been obtainable as a civilian. Although I developed many skills while serving in the military, I believe integrity, accountability, and a positive work ethic were the most important at preparing me for my role in the private sector. On November 26th, 2000, my Senior Drill Instructor flawlessly performed his first speech to the platoon. Integrity was immediately mentioned after the introduction of the subordinate Drill Instructors. An image of him saying “a Marine never lies, cheats, or compromises” is so clear in my mind, I can almost touch it. When an employer is interviewing new staff, one who can be trusted stands above the rest. Potential company leaders may give credit to a person who has defended our nation, and …show more content…

I learned no matter how high I climbed, I was always responsible to somebody, or for something. Having the capability to explain what goals have been met, and what needs to be accomplished, is a great advantage for workplace cohesion. Acquiring the ability of always being where I need to be, when I need to be there, and what I need to be there with repeatedly allows tasks to be accomplished in a proficient and timely manner. Small and large businesses alike have a better chance of success when they are in a position for clients to ask questions and criticize the companies’ operations. Learning to hold myself accountable ensured that I knew not only the persons job below me, but the one above me as well. The Marine Corps created a passion for the troops to learn accountability; I know this passion has prepared me to become a valuable team player in the civilian

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