
Drive Reduction Theory

Decent Essays

1. The drive-reduction theory assumes that humans possess bodily necessities, such as food. Additionally, when without the necessities, the drive to receive those necessities occurs, such as hunger. The drive makes humans try to lessen the need. To lessen the reoccurring food example, one would have to eat. The arousal theory states that once aroused, humans enliven or stiffen. Additionally, without the motivation built upon necessities, curiosity then causes humans and animals to explore and investigate. If humans have fulfilled their physiological and biological requirements to survive, they hunt for arousal elsewhere. Furthermore, the hierarchy theory refers to Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of human needs. The pyramid breaks up into six sections, …show more content…

Physiological needs exist at the base and exist as hunger or thirst. The next need refers to safety needs. Those refer to the feelings of safety, security, and stability. Order and law well exemplify safety needs. The next section of the pyramid, belongingness and love needs, discusses humans need for love, belonging, and acceptance. Friendships exemplify this level of belongingness and love needs. Esteem needs, self-actualization needs, and self-transcendence needs make up the top three sections of the pyramid. Esteem needs refer to the need for self-esteem. Self-respect and respect from others exemplify esteem needs. Self-actualization needs discuss living up to one’s capabilities in life. Fulfilling one’s potential in life exemplifies self-actualization needs. Finally, self-transcendence needs refer to one’s need for identity outside of themselves. For example, this can occur …show more content…

The Zajonc theory of emotion states that reactions base off of the automatic track of the two-track mind. Additionally, the LeDoux theory of emotion bases off of the same belief as Zajonc. It states that emotions can take a shortcut to the amygdala by completely ignoring the cortex. This causes the quick emotional reaction before the human mind can even target the cause. Furthermore, the amygdala allows feelings to alter and manipulate the way humans think about the emotions they feel. Finally, the Lazarus theory of emotion also stated unconscious processing of events caused emotion, but assessment of the situation consciously allowed humans to understand what they react to, even if they do not have a cognitive awareness of it (Myers, DeWall

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