
Drones: An Invasion Of Privacy

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Many drones do more than just fly; they have highly advanced surveillance technology. Drones are an invasion of privacy. With its “infrared cameras, heat sensors, GPS, sensors that detect movement, and automated license plate readers,” drones can look inside somebody’s home or car (Stepanovich). If a person is in his home, he expects to have privacy, but a drone can fly up and see what he is doing. Companies are even trying to develop drones “that will carry facial recognition technology” (Stepanovich). Imagine that two people are enjoying each other’s company and a drone flies by, records their special moment, and then uses facial recognition to blackmail the people; that’s an extreme invasion of privacy. The technology attached to drones make it easy to invade a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy. …show more content…

The government wouldn’t just invade people’s privacy, but also illegal search places without a warrant. “Senator Dianne Feinstein has called the use of drones ‘the greatest threat to the privacy of Americans’” because they “have the potential to be more intrusive than any other kind of technology” (Koh). The government can get a drone next to a house and receive infinite information about the people inside within seconds. The Fourth Amendment prohibits illegal searches and seizes, however “drones can be used to hover over a particular place for a long time or to track the movements of a specific person, and drones the size of insects can be sent to spy on individuals in their private homes” which can be a violation of the Fourth Amendment if the police don't have the proper approval (Koh). With law enforcement being able to easily look inside homes through drones, they no longer have to obtain a subpoena and legally search homes; they can just use drones to fly around and illegally search people’s homes without probable

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