
Drug Trafficking Is The International Problem

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Drug trafficking is the illicit production transportation and trade with drugs. These drugs are produced in one country of the world and with strong network communication are traded to different destination of the world. It is clear that the existence of drug trafficking is the international problem, which needs rapid solutions. The harmful impact of drugs is commonly known all over the planet, that is why the majority of the drugs prohibited. Also it has a tremendous social impact that is breaking society slowly. This topic caught my attention and wanted to do a research on this topic because there are numerous issues those conflicts on this topic. Drugs are entering to United States from numerous places and statistics of deaths are …show more content…

According to congressional research service U.S customs and border protection is the United States department of homeland security, which is “charged for facilitation and regulation of international trades, enforcing U.S regulations and laws, including trade, customs and immigration.” The agency protects the U.S from terrorist and dangerous weapons. Also provides protection against human and drug trafficking and illegal immigration. United States is secured by the agency for agriculture and economy from harmful pest and diseases. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in FY 2012, “Border Patrol agents on the Southwest border seized more than 5,900 pounds of cocaine and more than 2.2 million pounds of marijuana.” The increases in smuggling issues have forced the border patrol to the front line of the U.S. war on drugs. Another report by United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), confirms the research work and findings by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. According to UNODC, “the major illicit drugs that are being produced and traded are cocaine, opium, cannabis and heroine.” UNDOC’s report suggests that the countries that are involved in the production and trafficking Drug trafficking includes trade of illegal drugs. Also according to another scholarly research USSC (United States Sentencing Commission) stated that “Six drug types accounted for 97.0% of drug

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