
Dunkin Donuts Quarterly Marketing And Product Objectives Plan

Satisfactory Essays

9. Implementation Plan

Step 1: Objectives
Dunkin Donuts will follow the Quarterly Marketing and Product Objectives Plan (P.G 11-12) and come up with the desired budget needed for our marketing. The company will also decide on which marketing outlets we will use and come up with the materials we will need for marketing. It will be marketed firstly in the Southern regions. Dunkin will generate talk about the product and when it will be available. Next will come branching out our marketing to the Midwest region by first letting them know when it will launch in that area. We will continue using the marketing tools we currently have in place and pull back slightly in the Southern regions as we prepare to launch in the Midwest. The last phase of marketing will go out nationwide. This will involve spreading to all regions when they can expect the product to be available and possibly switching up our marketing to include testimonials from satisfied clients to further the excitement nationwide for the product. After the final launch nationwide, we will begin to pull back on some of the heavy marketing stateside since the product has been available for several months. We will keep marketing the product heavy nationally since it’s still new to them. We will also begin looking over the statistics of how successful the product has been and re-evaluate the marketing budget for the following year.
Step 2: Support
Dunkin Donut’s plan is to offer our Peach Cobbler Donut to the 8,000 stores

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