
E Commerce And The Changing Logistics

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E-commerce and the Changing Logistics This is a research project aimed at four different topics within e-commerce and the dynamic landscape of logistics within this emerging field. I will first be focusing on current landscape of e-commerce. Secondly the focus will be shifted to a global perspective and the difference of markets based on region. Thirdly I will cover the future trends of e-commerce, and the differences that we may see. Finally, I will present data on select countries and how they are affected by e-commerce currently and the changes that we can expect to see in the future. While researching this broad and developing topic, I have found that there are a handful of takeaways that can be seen in the entirety of this paper: I. …show more content…

Euromonitor estimated that global e-commerce sales totaled over 500 billion dollars in year 2012, resulting in a 14.8% growth per year from 2007 to 2012. This rate is much higher than total retail sales which only increased 0.9% from 2007 to 2012 annually. While online sales percentages sound drastic, the reality is that only 4% of global retail sales accounted for actual online retail sales. The below chart from Euromonitor shows the 2012 online retail sales as a percentage of total retail sales per selected countries. There is no doubt that online retail is growing everywhere, but one thing to stay aware of is that the landscape is very diverse. This means that there are countries and regions that are at different stages of development in regard to their e-commerce and online retail maturity. Even though there is a lot of variation, one thing to note is that with only a total of 4% of sales being online globally in 2012, the e-tailing emergence really has only just begun. In the perspective of developed markets, the percentage of online sales account for between 5-15% of total retail sales. The major developed markets for e-commerce are South Korea, United States, France, Germany and the UK. These markets all have a few things in common including: • Each country has a large population that uses the internet and mobile broadband frequently. • Fixed and mobile broadband rates are low and most people can afford this luxury. • Most

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