
Early Childhood Education Essays

Good Essays

Early Childhood Curriculum

Introduction 2
Principles and Philosophy 2
Common and Differences 2
Contributions 3
Personal Reflections 4
Bibliography 5

In this assessment I will be talking about the principles and philosophy of Frobel and Montessori, what they have in common and differences, there contributions to Siolta and my own thoughts in relation to early childhood education and their impact on the learning environment

Principles and Philosophy
Froebel believed that the kindergarten's primary focus should be on play–the process by which he believed children expressed their inner thoughts, needs, and desires so that's why Froebel's emphasis on play. For Froebel play is facilitated …show more content…

Both believe the environment cannot create a person, but it does give them scope and direction, materials and purpose to do so. Both believe that it is the role of the adult’s job is nurture, assist, watch, encourage, guide, and induce the children, rather than to delay, command or restrict. (hardy, 2013) (Notes, 2013)
The difference between Montessori’s and Froebel’s philosophies are montessori children spend most of their time working with natural materials under the individual guidance of the adult, while kindergarten children are usually engaged in free play and in group work or games with an imaginative background and appeal. Other Differences is that Froebel is best known for his gifts and occupations to guide and structure play. Gifts are wooden boxes and cubes, cylinders, triangles, as well as knitted balls and various geometric shapes. Children used the gifts for making pattern and block play, building their imaginations through play. The occupations involved is clay moulding and paper folding to increase their fine motor skills and focus their attention and that Maria Montessori utilizes specific materials that have specific purposes for example real work activities instead of play. The materials include natural life materials such as brooms, dishes, wooden dressing frames and cleaning materials. Children, following this learn self-mastery and confidence and that Frobal believed in imaginary play. (hardy, 2013) (Notes,

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