
Early Childhood Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I believe as an early childhood educator, I am responsible for providing a positive and enlighten learning experience for young children. I see education as a lifelong practice that we are continuously developing, and improving upon. I feel that early childhood education is one of the most important aspects of a child’s educational journey because it gives children the fundamentals of learning. Fundamentals to me are just like the foundation of a house if not fully secure, how can we expect to build upon it? The important fundamentals children learn in Early Childhood are not just academics, though they’re essential. Children learn and develop social skills and how to properly express their emotions. In Early Childhood we address the physical aspects of the child through large and gross motor activities. In my classroom I focus on making sure my students have a strong foundation before they move on to the next step in their educational journey.
In my classroom I like to encourage creativity and analytical thinking. In order to establish this it’s important to focus on the whole child. “A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, …show more content…

A play-based learning approach allows the students to explore their world, choose their own activities based on their interest, and builds creativity. Children learn best when they are engaged in hands on activities. Offering choices allows the students to become more independent, and increases their interest. This approach can help students develop social skills because it allows them to naturally interact with other students. I want to give my students the opportunity to grow and learn in safe, nurturing, and an encouraging environment. As an educator, my goal is to help motivate and inspire students to be the best possible versions of

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