
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa

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EATING AT AMERICA Anyone can have an eating disorder. Eating disorders can affect all walks of lives, women, men and even children, no longer is it the stereotypical girl that is affected. The person next to you that seems to have everything together, may be fighting for perfection and may be living with an eating disorder. The more knowledge society has, the more we can help those who battle this disease.
Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life threatening eating disorder which involves starvation of ones’ self. “It is the most common psychiatric diagnoses in young woman and has one of the highest death rates of any mental health condition” (3. National Eating Disorders Association). Individuals with anorexia nervosa typically …show more content…

For most individuals with eating disorders it is used as a coping mechanism. Some factors that may contribute to eating disorder are low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, difficulty expressing emotion and feelings, history of abuse and trauma, pressure to obtain a certain body type, family history of eating disorders or chemical imbalances that relate to hunger, appetite, and satisfaction (3. Eating Disorder Foundation)
According to 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from clinically significant eating disorders some time in their life."(6) There are eating disorders that are well known, including anorexia and bulimia, and others that are less well known, such as night eating syndrome (an eating disorder "characterized by a delayed circadian pattern of food intake" according to It's a complex field, but eating disorders are treatable (6. New …show more content…

These website support eating disorders and give advice. They will tell you how to start and eating disorder and what you should do. Many times it is hard for someone with a disorder to reach out for help. It is hard to let go of this disorder that you have lived with for so long. If these individuals want help and start looking online for it, then come across one of these sites it could distract the individual enough not to seek help. They will see people on these sites offering help and support being there emotionally for them. These sites need to be shut down. They are not out there to help the individual in the way they need they are out there to promote the eating disorder.
There needs to be more awareness out there about eating disorders and their dangers. Insurance copies need to see the danger that this disorders cause and authorized the days need for the individuals to get help. Individuals need more than a few days they need more like months. These disorders don’t just come on all of a sudden and they are not going to be cured overnight. Just like schools have preventative classes for drugs and safe sex they should also talk about eating disorders and how to prevent them. They should let everyone know that there is help if they are suffering and don’t know where to

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