
Eating Habits And The Athletes

Decent Essays

When the athletes were asked to describe their eating habits, 32.7% of the athletes listed their eating habits were “good”. When 65.4% of athletes listed there habits as “fair”. Only 10.9% of the athletes listed that their eating habits were “poor”.
Described Eating Habits
Eating Habit Percent (%)
Good 32.7
Fair 65.4
Poor 10.9

The athletes were asked to list their three most common places that they would go to eat. The most common food establishments chosen by the athletes were: Subway 43.2%, Chipotle 25.7%, Mc Donald’s 19.2%, In & Out 17.4%, Panda Express 30 15.6%, and Taco Bell 12%. The top selections of food establishments chosen by the athletes are listed in Table 2.
Our Register Dietitian categorized the selections listed by the athletes into different types of food. The most common places athletes ate at were Fast Food/Hamburger, which was selected by 67% of the athletes, followed by Mexican at 57.7%, Sandwich Shop at 51.3%, Chinese at 22%, and Multi-menu Restaurant 18.4%.
Table 2 Food Establishment

Restaurant Percent (%)
Subway 43.2
Chipotle 25.7
Mc Donald’s 19.2
In & Out 17.4
Panda Express 15.6
Taco Bell 12

Athletes were asked to place a check mark by the topics that they would like to learn more about. The percentage of athletes selecting each topic is in Table 3. The tests detected significant differences for the topics from weight control, weight gain, and cooking demonstrations. Only 31.2% of the athletes selected “weight gain” as a topic that

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