
Educating Children 's Academic Achievement

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As my country is changing dramatically in terms of education I think parents must play an important role in order to establish a stable upbringing in their family. A lot of parents ignore visiting schools sometimes though they are called for meetings or conferences. When parents are involved in their children 's education, both children and parents are likely to benefit. According to my observations in my school parents participation in their children 's schooling improves children 's academic achievement, helps parents develop positive attitudes towards school, and a better understanding of the schooling process. In our country English is taught from Grade 1 and books are designed for parents to help with kids assignments. This is because both parents and children can benefit by learning the language together. Despite these advantages, it is not always easy for parents to find time and energy to become involved or to coordinate with schedules for school events. For some parents, a visit to school is perceived as an uncomfortable experience. Others may have their hands full with a job and other children. Then with the effort of English teachers in my school we set up a kind of program that is related how to involve parents to school. Some programs aim to reach parents who do not usually participate in their children 's education. Such programs provide flexible scheduling for school events and parent-teacher conferences, inform parents about what their children are learning,

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