
Education Related Experience

Satisfactory Essays

1. Other Education Related Experience: List additional Voluntary, Practice Teaching, or Internship experience. I have over seven years’ experience working for two private colleges. In such a short time, I was able to learn about other departments and gain valuable experiences about how each department operates to change students’ lives and outcomes. 2. Personal Qualifications Statement: Please explain why you believe you are a strong candidate for this position. Include any other experience or skill that you believe contributes to your qualifications for this position. I believe that I am a strong candidate because I have over twenty years of management and leading others. In addition to my seven years working for two private colleges, I believe that I am able to do a great job for Mt. San Jacinto College. During my time with Charter College, I was in charge on the Admissions Department. The team consisted of Admissions Representatives and Enrollment …show more content…

I believe that the student population at SBBCollege and Charter College are somewhat the same. I know how to conduct myself in a manner that is respectful, careful, professional, and caring to everyone! I also feel that I have experience from my volunteer work when I volunteered tutoring math students in low poverty areas when I attended San Diego State University and while I was working at AlloSource Tissue Bank. I received the Business Woman Professional Award from SYTES organization for my dedication to helping others as well as my business acumen for the work I achieved at AlloSource. I have always been an advocate for helping those in need, so I continue to help people anyway that I

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