
Education : The Importance Of Equality And Equity In Education

Decent Essays

Education continues to be a hot topic of debate. Whether the discussion is about lack of time, lack of motivation, or a lack of funds. Students struggle with keeping up in different classes, and it’s not because they’re incapable of learning the curriculum, but because they’re not taking it in the way they should be. To truly be educated, students must have a shared environment of equality. Equality and equity is something that is truly going to bring us together to learn. Educational equity is the study and achievement of fairness, justice, and impartiality (equality) in education. This means ensuring that everyone’s learning needs are met. Educational equity is based on the principles of fairness in distributing resources, opportunities, treatment, and success for every student. Society has a moral obligation to make sure that all children receive an adequate education that gives them the skills needed to become contributing adults in society. This is also in society’s best interest as it is a social waste if some children do not receive a good education. It means that human talents that could contribute to society are not nurtured. All students have talents that grow through formal learning. By failing to develop those talents, society loses opportunities for enrichment and progress. Further social waste is gained by the long-term social and financial costs of poor education. Inadequate education leads to large public and social costs in the form of lower income and

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