
Effective Cancer Screening Methods Essay

Decent Essays

Effective cancer screening methods are used to detect or identify the presence of a specific cancer before the individual displays any symptoms of cancer. Early detection of a cancer through screening can save the life of a person who may have died without screening detection. Early detection of cancer can also provide a less costly and more effective treatment than if the cancer progresses requiring more advanced or drastic treatment. Screenings tests for the more common cancers such as breast, colon, prostate or cervical can be non-invasive or only slightly invasive. The majority of screening procedures are non-invasive which is more cost effective, patient convenient, and does not require any patient aftercare. Screening tests usually …show more content…

PSA levels can be compared against prior PSA test levels for changes. The PSA test is an excellent screening tool because it is highly sensitive, reasonably priced, and well-tolerated by patients. A PSA level alone is doesn’t distinguish what could be benign prostate conditions or cancer. A doctor considers PSA test when deciding whether to check further for signs of prostate cancer (National Cancer Institute, 2009). There are difficulties and controversy associated with the current screening methods for prostate cancer. The PSA test for prostate cancer has become controversial as it is “not yet known for certain if this test actually does saves lives. It is not clear if the benefits of PSA screening outweigh the risks of diagnostic tests and cancer treatments” (National Cancer Institute, 2009). According to NCI, a PSA test may detect a small amount of cancer that may never become life threatening. This is referred to as over diagnosis and this can put men at risk of complications from any additional and unnecessary treatment (National Cancer Institute, 2009). A study at the Washington University found 25 to 35 percent of men who had a lower than normal PSA level and underwent a prostate biopsy were found to have prostate cancer. That means that 65 to 75 percent of the remaining men did not have prostate cancer. This concludes that there is no exact specific normal or abnormal PSA levels (National Cancer Institute, 2009). A

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