
Nelson Mandela Movie Leadership Essay

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INTRODUCTION: - This report will investigate on the effective leadership and the need for the leaders to lead from behind and put others in front in the occurrence of nice things and to take the front line when there is a danger. The quote means that leadership should be a collective activity where the leader understands all his followers and includes all of them in his leadership activity. Through the years, leadership has been outlined in many means. Northhouse (2010) quoted that leadership is “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” (p. 3). As noted by Rauch and Behling (1984, p.46), Leadership is “the process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward goal achievement.” In the movie, Mandela shows exemplary leadership qualities to unite the divided people of South Africa through Rugby and has proved as a transformational, charismatic and inspirational leader. In addition, this report will also analyze the leadership theories and demonstrate different styles of leadership Mandela implemented in the movie, which aided him to triumph what many other leaders have never accomplished. 2.0 Analysis: - 2.1. Scene 1: - Mandela Invites Pienaar: - Mandel invites Francois Pienaar, a white Afrikaner and South African (Springbok) Rugby team captain, at the government office and motivates him to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup. 2.1.1. Analysis & Theory Integration: - Mandela invites Pienaar at the president office.

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