
The Current Contribution Of Leadership Essay

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Executive Summery

Leadership is one element that is becoming increasingly popular and critical management in the field of business today as a result of the globally challenging business context we are in today. More and more businesses are now concentrating heavily in attracting and retaining the right leader/s in the organization in order to face the growing challenges from the business climate.
State Trading Organization is one of the biggest trading organizations located in Maldives. Apart from its operations in Maldives STO has an operation in Singapore which was formed clearly to supplement the operational support to the STO in Maldives.
This report is formulated in order to gain a comprehensive understanding into the current contribution of leadership to the overall performance of the business and how improvements in the same could be done in order to further improve the performance of the company. In order to understand this discussion on leadership carries around the following topics.
State Trading Organization
The current state of leadership in the organization
Evolution of considerations that needs to be made when determining effective leadership
Leadership styles and identifying the appropriate style for STO
Identifying leadership roles and its impact on effectiveness of STO
Evaluating Leadership skills essential for today
Emotional intelligence and its impact on STO

Table of Contents
Executive Summery 2
Table of Contents 3
Part A 4
a) State Trading

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