
Effectiveness Of Quantitative And Step By Step Guide Obtained From The British Journal Of Nursing

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This article examined some of the issues surrounding nurses and their exposure to physical violence, nonphysical violence, bullying and sexual harassment. A quantitative approach and step-by-step guide obtained from the British Journal of Nursing was incorporated to assist in the collection of data (Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, 2007). This paper will analyze the methodologies used in the research to ascertain the effectiveness of quantitative studies in understanding the types of violent and nonviolent exposure to nurses. The researchers of the paper first mentioned that nurses are at significant risk for violence exposure. They go on to report the risk of violence increases depending on the setting the nurse works in. This information …show more content…

Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to compile and compare nurse exposures to types of violence, bullying and sexual harassment amongst various regions worldwide. Some regions such as Nigeria and South Africa were excluded from the study because they did not meet the minimum criterion of five studies to form a category (Spector et al., 2014, p. 74). The problem itself was limited to the researcher’s capabilities and resources. Moreover, the purpose of the study was never clearly stated in the title. The information provided does suggest further research could help determine effective solutions to nurse exposures to violence.

Timeliness of Literature Used The research and materials related to nursing and violence exposure included in this review were conducted or developed after 1996. It is worth noting that much of the research obtained was dated after 2003 when the volume and collection of data was much more widespread and available. The papers obtained were themselves used to classify timeframe and type of violence exposure. Consequently, there was considerable variation in the specific questions asked.
Variables in the Literature Review The primary purpose of the literature review is to define the research question and identify the appropriate methods of data collection (Coughlan et al., 2007,

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