
Empathy In The Classroom

Decent Essays

To be empathetic in your activity as a teacher is easy and in the same time hard, so the role of empathy is a first step in the high steps to be a successful teacher. Building the good relationship between circulation teacher-children- parents is the great sing to be empathy in your work. It is not just a matter of helping the parent understand the policies and practices of the center and finding out more about the child and family.It is even more important to use communication to start building a relationship with family as a copy-past assessment in the school and home. For example, when I used to work as a teacher I have skills communication for each individual students. A mother from my student has my telephone number and she was called me when she has the difficult time with her sun in the homework, all parent shared with me my email address and right way I emailed them when they absent or when they have to go home sick. The …show more content…

It is viewed as a dynamic process and not as a stable trait where the children learn to contributes healthy emotional growth process.We have to know in our care the children with developmentally, individually, and culturally live style they have in order to build a positive caring relationship.We have to build a sense of community with each child and appreciating the rights and needs they have. We have to create a smooth way between us and family to trust and respect them and keeping the communication open with members and family in order to award them for good work and keep it up. We have to create connection and experience in the learning meaningful of each children, support them to show confidence that they can find ways to cope.We have to give children time to adjust to something new and acknowledge their as being real to them. We have to use foresight to prevent fearful situation and give opportunity to solve the

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