
Entrepreneurship Education Of Chemical Engineering

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Entrepreneurship Education in Chemical Engineering Economic trends and rapidly changing hiring conventions are fueling a rapid expansion in value awareness of entrepreneurship education to engineering students. Each year, a growing proportion of the two hundred thousand engineering graduates find work in small businesses or start-up ventures, eliciting a new type of engineer, an entrepreneurial engineer, who needs a broad range of skills and knowledge above and beyond a strong science and engineering background.1 Chemical Engineers are taught a very rigorous approach to problem solving but an entrepreneurship component in a Chemical Engineering education would graduate engineers who not only understand science and technology, but are also …show more content…

This criterion requires that engineering programs teach an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, ability to design a system, components, or a process to meet desired needs with realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health/safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints, to perceive opportunities and adapt flexibility in facing uncertainty, and be understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in global economic, environmental, and social contexts. One of the certain practical attributes of entrepreneurial education is that it encompasses these requirements and more.4 The current prevalence of engineering-specific entrepreneurial education is not superlative but provides enough evidence to defend its normalization in engineering schools around the country. A study of 341 American Association of Engineering Education (ASEE) member schools found that only 12% offered formal programs teaching entrepreneurship targeted specifically to undergraduate engineers. Business school based or university wide programs that were applicable to any major were offered by 75% of the sample; the remaining schools offered concentrations and other specializations. Compared to generalized entrepreneurship

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