
Entrepreneurship Risk, Rewards, And Reality

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There is a difference between science and the marketplace; however, the distance between the two is getting smaller and almost completely gone because of entrepreneurship. In the article “Entrepreneurship Risk, Rewards, and Reality” by Timothy W. Scales, the author goes over key points about small business like development, growth, and secession. Scales focus on experiences that relate to an accomplished and an unaccomplished entrepreneur. Scales say that if an idea can become entrepreneurial, it can be big or small. Entrepreneurship is the key to innovation and growth. Since the 1970s, scholars knew that entrepreneurship was the source of innovation and economic growth. The encouragement of innovation is just one basic concept of …show more content…

Karl Vesper created and Interest Group on Entrepreneurship in 1974. The group was part of the Division of Business Policy and Planning. It was a small group until 1987 when it became the base of interest groups which has a big influence on today. The International Symposium of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development helped others to learn and grow from their experiences that have worked and had not worked for them. Established in 1978 the Academy if Distinguished Entrepreneurs became the leader of other programs. The Small Business Administration, which involved students and Small Business Intuition Directors Association, which included Teachers both supported the growth of entrepreneurship since “entrepreneurial study is early in the developing stage as academic discipline “(79). Most schools lack support and often teach other subjects in addition to entrepreneurship like management. Teachers are often found to practice management because they have a better understating than doing research. Entrepreneur class is on the rise, in 1967 there were fewer than 10, rose to 173 by 1980 and gained 197 in 1993 to 370 (Scales 77-79). Today, more people than ever are interested in entrepreneurship, from the everyday people to business oriented. To business leaders, the change from entrepreneurs to business heroes is honorable. In a survey by USA Today, they found 47% of women chose entrepreneur over a tour guide or novelist and 38% of men who chose entrepreneur

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