
Enzyme Concentration Lab Report

Decent Essays

Materials: Graduated cylinder, flasks, distilled water, Lugol’s iodine, test tube, pipette, vortexer, spectrophotometer, cuvette, Starch Solution, ph buffer, enzyme extract, ice water bath, hot water bath Methods: Alternating Enzyme Concentration to Determine Its Effect on a Constant Concentration of Substrate The enzyme is to be placed in flask one and distilled water in flasks two and three. A dilution of 1:3 is created by taking some of the enzyme from flask one into two. A dilution of 1:9 is created by taking and mixing some of the enzyme from flask two into three. Some from flask three is removed. An equal amount of solution is to be placed into three test tubes containing Lugol’s iodine. Three different enzyme concentrations were prepared …show more content…

Each of the four flasks contained a different amount of ph buffer. The absorbance of flask one with the mixed starch solution and enzyme extract in a cuvette with iodine was recorded first. After flask one the absorbance’s of the rest of the flasks were …show more content…

The product formed in each of the enzyme concentrations equally decreases over time in minutes. The amount of product formed is linear to time in minutes. The data table (figure 1) illustrates that the absorbance values decrease in the undiluted and diluted enzymes. Therefore, the starch concentration decreases as well. Activity of Amylase under Various Temperatures Temperature affects enzyme activity similar to that of ph. By looking at the graph of temperature in figure 6 the optimal temperature is 70 degrees Celsius because the enzyme activity is stable. As the temperature decreases towards 4, 22, 37 degrees Celsius the enzyme activity decreases towards denaturation over time. The enzyme begins to lose its quaternary

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