
Enzyme Lab Report

Decent Essays

Enzymes are catalysts (help process speed) for biochemical reactions. Enzymes are there to speed up reactions by providing the reaction with an alternative reaction pathway of lower energy. Usually, like all catalysts, enzymes always take part in the reaction, as that is how the enzymes provide an alternative reaction pathway. The changes are temporary, so remain unchanged at the end of the reaction. Enzymes are very selective of which reaction can go through, as to catalyzing specific reactions only (M.J. Farabee, 2001). The uniqueness is due to the shapes of the enzymes. Most enzymes are made of a protein and a non-protein, usually called a cofactor. The molecular bonds that hold the proteins in their secondary and tertiary structures are …show more content…

pH (Power of Hydrogen) is a scale that measures the acidity or basicness concentration in a solution. ..When the pH is in the range of below 7 (0-6), the solution is then said to be acidic; if the pH is 7, the solution is then neutral. The pH is said to be basic if it is in the range above 7 (8-14). .As the pH decreases, an enzyme will have the tendency to gain H+ ions, and through time, eventually enough side chains of enzyme will be impacted, so that the enzyme's shape is changed causing the substrate to not interact with the enzyme. .However, as the pH is increases, the enzyme will lose H+ ions and lose its active shape. Though generally, biochemical reactions speed up as the temperature is increased. ..As the temperature increases, the majority of the reacting molecules are now having enough kinetic energy to go through with the chemical reaction. Enzymes are catalysts for biochemical reactions, so enzyme reactions also move faster with increasing temperature (Indiana edu., n.d) If the salt concentration of a molecule (Metal salt) is close to zero, the charged side chains of amino acids of the enzyme (catalase) will attract each other and interact with each other. The enzyme will eventually denature and form a precipitate that is currently inactive. If the salt concentration is too high, the interaction of charged groups will be stopped and interfered with. New interactions will eventually occur, and again the enzyme will produce a precipitate (Deakin University,

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