
Essay Log # 4: A Further Exploration Of My Group On My Way

Satisfactory Essays

Name : Sok In Ho
Log #4: A Further Exploration of my Group on My Way to Essay #1.
Write up one or two stories that are particularly representative of some insight about the group to which you belong.
Being a foodie not means obesity or eat too much, it means eating healthy and having the right choice for food. As a foodie, I think I know about the secret codes of each kind of food. During school days or workdays, I tend to cook for myself, I like to cook healthy food such as Chicken Spaghetti, Broccoli & Feta Omelet with Toast and Maple Salmon. The food I choose is usually rich of protein which is good for my skin. Surrounded by the enticing aroma of food, I enjoy the process of cooking so much. A therapists Nick Baylis writes in the book …show more content…

After I eat the meals which are rich of nutrition, I usually feel energetic for whole day. The delicious and healthy food I cooked is like the gas oil plug into my body to run as fast as a car. The cooking program I watch the most is The Chew, it talks about how food are related to healthy lifestyle. Before I sleep, I like to eat a piece of dark chocolate to relax the tension on my nerve. The taste of chocolate give me a sweet dream. According to the book, Be Happy Be Healthy. A German researchers found that eating only square of dark chocolate a day lowered the risk of hear attack and stroke by 39%. Other studies also found that chocolate lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. During weekend, I like to go to some fantastic restaurant to fulfill my esurient tongue. As a foodie enjoys food so much, my weight never over fifty kilogram, I guess it is due to my smart choice on food. I dislike dunk food as it is not match to my foodie’s taste. Brunch of meat without nutrition. French fires, contain trans-fat oil, increase the rate for heart disease. The high level of sugar in soft drink contribute to obesity and kidney problem.

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