
Essay On AMA

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Has anyone ever been part of something that you are so passionate about, you want to be a leading role? I have been an active member of a nationwide organization called Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, or FCCLA, since my freshman year. The leadership opportunities involved in this club are endless, including offices from the local level all the way to the national level. During my sophomore year, I attended not only State Leadership Conference, but National Leadership Conference as well. It was there, in San Diego, California, that I decided that I wanted to run for a state office. When we got back to school for the start of my junior year, I approached my Family and Consumer Science teachers, Mrs. Embry and Mrs. Minton. …show more content…

We were told to go to a luncheon at 12:00 on the second day of the conference, and once again, I got there early to make sure I could chat before and get to know how everyone was doing. When we went into the luncheon room, my friend, Morgan, sat with me and the people we were meeting. The discussions were mostly based on FCCLA matters including: how we could get all the members from each region involved, how to make the weaker regions stronger, fundraising ideas to introduce to chapters, etc. The main reason the luncheon is so important is because it helps the Voting Delegates get to know you as a person and see how you respond on the spot.
Directly after the luncheon, I was to report to the top floor of the Galt House for interviews. This was one of the most stressful parts of the whole process. They could ask me any question they wanted, based on my résumé, the handbook, or any question that they could think of. They asked me if I had the time to be a state officer, since I was so involved in many other organizations. Another question was when FHS was changed to FCCLA. I had no idea, and I got so flustered and could feel the sweat running down my body. I came up with the answer, “I am not really sure of that answer, but I will be sure to go look that up in my handbook.” They complimented me on my answer choice and we moved on. After I finished with the interviews, I had 3 hours until I had my on-stage

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