
Essay On Baby Carriers

Decent Essays

Why You Should Consider a Baby Carrier for a Disabled Infant
Summary: This article will provide information about baby carriers and why they might be suitable for disabled infants.
From the moment you find out you are expecting a baby, the main thing you want is a healthy baby. However, this isn’t always the case. Millions of children are born with disabilities yearly. Right from the beginning parents and their disabled children face many hurdles and struggles to obtain quality of life. Depending on the child’s disability, certain aspects of the world will be harder for them.
Parents strive to provide the most out of life for their children. Many parents feel like they can’t do the normal baby things, like carry them around in carriers, for fear that something might go wrong. This fear can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to dictate your life. In fact, recent studies have shown that disabled children that …show more content…

These disorders make it hard for children to understand the world around them. It causes smells to be too much, noises to be too loud, and leads to an aversion to touch. Children that experience sensory overload have meltdowns and are hard to calm. Parents who use baby carriers expose their children to sensory experiences in moderation to help them learn how to adjust. They are able to go out into the world and experience these sensory adventures with their safety net, aka parents, right there with them. Children that experienced sensory stimulation through baby carrying had more success integrating the experience.
• Stimulation: Children with physical disabilities have a reduced range that they can experience the world. Baby carriers can provide some of the stimulation that these children lack. For a child that cannot walk, being carried in a carrier where they can see everything can mimic the experience of

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