
Essay On Health Inequality

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Health Inequality Although America is one of the most successful nations in the world, our reputation is deteriorating as health inequality continues to expand. Health inequality results from multiple factors including wealth/income inequality. Those who didn't have enough money for insurance didn't acquire any. The Affordable Care Act, known as ‘Obamacare’, designed to provide low-income Americans effective insurance, is accompanied by numerous complications. The Affordable Care Act provides millions of Americans efficacious Medicaid coverage, improving the well-being and incomes of Americans in the bottom 20% of the income distribution. According to the Gallup poll, the ACA helped 4% of all Americans to receive health insurance for the first time. It also helped life expectancy increase for many at a considerable rate.
The primary mission of the ACA is to expand Medicaid to all low-income Americans. However; Medicaid expansion requires Federal and State funding to provide beneficial programs to its consumers. Since the supreme court allows states to opt out of Medicaid expansion, not all states acquired Obamacare. Infact; 5.7 million of the nation's poorest were ineligible in over 20 states. State rights are necessary, but occasionally, decisions made are unfair to those with low-income. …show more content…

Although it helped millions increase their overall vigor, it deprived the rights of Medicare consumers. Since money to insure everyone comes directly from Federal and state funding, not all states choose to have the Affordable Care Act. To obtain more money for Obamacare new taxes rise frequently and the people have to pay despite their financial status, which only increases complications for the low-income Americans. Insightful analysis of ACA educates people to promote in making better decisions and allows them to witness the causes and effects of

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