
Essay On National Jamboree

Decent Essays

National Jamboree Narrative When I was 13 years old I went to a boy scout event with thousands of scouts, that was 15 days long called National Jamboree, which was held out in West Virginia. It wasn’t going to be like any other normal scout trip I’ve been on where it’s just my friends and I going on a weekend campout. This was going to be a fun and very adventurous trip with people from all over the world in which I had no clue what I was going to expect. I’ve never been around other people other than who I went to school with or grew up with, so I wasn’t sure if I was going to be out of place going to a different state meeting new people, or if I was going to be treated just like everyone treats me back at home. As I was packing my bag, I didn’t really know what I should be packing because I didn’t …show more content…

I learned that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are, you can always get along with anyone and become friends with all of them because everyone is the same. No matter what the environment is like we are all one. Analysis What is diversity? As a 13-year-old boy, I would have no clue what that question would mean to me if someone asked me. But after going to the National Jamboree, I believe that I could answer that question to myself. I would have never thought that diversity would be the thing to learn on a long trip to a place with many different people, different religions, and people with different race. Being such a young boy, going far away without any family member and going to a place I've never been to with a lot of people, I could say I was scared. I had never been on my own for such a long time. I had a lot of growing up to do and I had a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. I could say as a 13-year-old, I was doing great things that many people I grew up with never got the opportunity to

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