
Essay On SCORR

Decent Essays

Want to work?

SCORR is the leader in Health Science Marketing for the Kearney area. I would love the opportunity to learn from a company that truly does it all. Having a company like SCORR this close to home is a rather lucky entity in itself. I know that SCORR would give me the opportunity to grow into my role with the company, while helping me to gain the knowledge that it takes to succeed in this competitive field. I want to want to work for SCORR because I believe they are the best at what they do, and I too want to be the best at whatever it is I do.

5 Years:

Being a senior about to graduate college, the question of “where do you see yourself” seems to be popping up quite often. Whether that be from my advisors, fellow …show more content…

My creativity, meticulous attention to detail, and excessive organization are all characteristics that will help me, help SCORR. I bring to the table a wide variety of skills that have been learned through work in a wide variety of fields. Often times I am a leader, yet I understand when it is time to lead and when it is best to take a step back and be a team player. Being able to do both is a rare entity, yet I feel like this would be a great asset to your team. I also have a strong background in working with people. Being a psychology major, I have a pretty good idea on how people work. This quality will be a useful to SCORR because I understand how to work with all types of people and how to deal with difficult situations. SCORR needs an employee who can look at situation from all angles and assess the adequate course of action, and that’s what I intend to do.

Experience and knowledge! I know that SCORR can give me the tools I need to succeed in the marketing world. I hope to gain a better understand of the job as a whole. You can learn the material in class all day but when it comes down to it, putting that material to use is an entirely different task. At SCORR I hope to be able to implement the knowledge I have of the subject matters at hand, and in return, learn from you how to better myself – as an employee, continued learner, marketer, and person.

If offered a full time positon, I would accept the minimum yearly

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