
Essay On Social Media

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Methods I. Participants The participants in this survey included 234 students from Syracuse University. The participant pool included 186 females, 47 males, and 1 other. Class standing ran from freshman to graduate students, composing centrally of 27.4% sophomores, 34.2% juniors, and 31.2% seniors with freshman and graduates pooling only a combined 7.3% of participants surveyed. Participants were convenience sampled by having every researcher send out the email surveys to 10 or so friends on campus. Participants to the brief survey online anonymously. II. Stimulus and Material The survey itself included a total of 13 questions. Two categorical closed-ended questions gathered demographic information on sex and class standing (freshman …show more content…

The second block of Linkert scaled statements focused on the construct of social media, asking the participants to agree/disagree on a 5-point scale to “I often use social media”, “I do not like to use social media”, and “I enjoy using social media”. Positive and negative questions were put in the blocks of Linkert scale statements to find errors in participation. Results The most liked social media platform was Instagram with 55.1% of participants responding that it was their favorite. Only 9.0% of participants put Facebook as their favorite social media platform. Next, the correlation between self-esteem and enjoyment of social media was computed based on the survey data gathered by the two separate Linkert composite groups. Pearson’s r was -0.082. This is a negligible effect. The correlation between feeling confident/vulnerable after social media use and signs of more enjoyment and overall more use of social media based on the second Linkert composite was found to be r= 0.307. This positive correlation shows a medium effect, meaning people who feel more confident after using social media are more likely to enjoy their overall experience on such platforms. Also, self-esteem based on the first Linkert composite and feeling confident/vulnerable after social media had a Pearson’s r of 0.203. This is a positive correlation as well,

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