
Essay On Staff Retention

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Improving Staff Retention in Massage Therapy This paper shall establish a plan for Quality Improvement (QI) activities in an establishment like a therapeutic massage clinic such as the Relax Station. I have been a massage therapist since 1996. My training was in Florida, where I graduated in 1996 with 650 credit hours. I am certified from the school I attended, and am insured by one of the biggest associations for massage therapy, Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals, (ABMP). I have worked as an employee and a contract worker for massage establishments. I am a contract worker now, but, used to work for Relax Station in Ann Arbor, MI, as an employee. The Relax Station has a problem with keeping staff, and the turnover is high. …show more content…

The concept of total quality management (TQM) has been applied to education, most notably by Edward Sallis. In attempting to apply quality management to education, however, Sallis proposes a compelling reason for why TQM should be applied to education, and that is, accountability”. The article goes on to say that accountability assesses education quality through teacher-student ratios, teacher credentials, curriculum competencies, educational outcomes (graduation rates), time to complete course, and job placement rates (Menard, 2014). According to the article, Why Accredited Massage Therapy Schools are the Way to Go, it states, standards are set by practitioners and educators in the massage therapy industry, and are regulated by the U.S. Department of Education for accrediting bodies. To prevent corruption and waste, the government approved and regulated accreditation processes to provide a high educational standard within a growing industry. Benefits of accredited massage therapy schools are: Increased Standards, Creditability, Quality, Pride, Recognition, Reputation and feedback (MTSI n.d.). One can open an establishment without a massage license, but to practice massage, most states require you to be insured, and certified, and almost all states are leaning toward being licensed with a minimum of 500 credit hours, by an accredited school, and insurance with a recognized massage association for liability. The two main insurance associations are the

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