
Essay On Video Marketing Strategy

Satisfactory Essays

How's your video marketing strategy looking?

If you don't have one or haven't updated it in a while, it's time to get serious about it. It's estimated that by 2019 video will make up approximately 80% of all Internet traffic. That means video is on its way to being the prime mover for online marketing efforts.

Already on the video bandwagon? Good! You've taken a big step in the right direction.

Maybe your trouble is that the videos don't seem to be converting viewers into leads the way you expected. That is a fixable issue.

We're here to shed light on some of the things that your video marketing strategy is missing.
Rapport Building

One of the principles of good salespersonship is a process called know, like, trust. When you strip …show more content…

A video about those topics establishes trust.
Video Marketing Strategy For Social Media

If you aren't thinking about social media sharing as part of your video marketing strategy, you aren't taking full advantage of the power of video.

Recent research says that 45% of consumers want to see more social media posts and 43% want to see more video. It's a small, intuitive step to say that those same consumers would like to see more video-based social media posts.

The caveat here is that you need the right kind of social media sharing. The pie in the sky dream is to have a video go viral and get viewed by millions of people. The logic behind it is that all of the coverage will inevitably lead to more business.

The logic is accurate, as far as it goes. The problem with chasing that dream is that there is no reliable way to engineer a viral video hit.

Online viewer tastes change almost by the minute and lots of great content languishes in obscurity for years before going viral, if it ever does. So what's a business to do?

Aim for social sharing in your target market. After all, getting 5000 views from your precise target market will also do a great job of generating business. This means you need your videos to be live on your website with social sharing buttons, as well as posting them to your social media accounts.

When you do post a video to your own sites, your video player must be responsive to mobile screen sizes.

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