Reading and writing are essential communication and learning skills that need to be perfected because they affect every academic subject offered in school. As a student I have been given a variety of scholarly materials to read and use toward written assignments throughout my academic career. Critical reading and effective writing are abilities that have not come naturally to me, so I have had trouble formulating good essays in the past. After taking several writing courses, I have learned that there are several sequential steps that I can follow to successfully learn how to analyze readings so I can complete written assignments at an academic level. Mastering these proper reading and writing technique skills have helped me write better essays in a shorter amount of time.
The first part to writing an effective essay is to adequately read and evaluate the essay question that has been assigned. Whether I was able to choose my own topic or it was assigned to me, I had to be mindful of the key words within the question given. These key words will help me start thinking carefully about how to go about structurally planning my essay.
Examples of key words could be: determinate, formulate, or investigate. As described in the text, these words can offer a way to tackle the topic at hand so I can determine the purpose that I want to portray, my target audience, what tone I will want to project, and it will give me a good idea of the point of view I will adopt in my written essay
When you finish, reread the essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread it to be sure your work does not contain errors in grammar or spelling.
My interpersonal skills have been developed through working closely with colleagues whilst on placement but also through my employment at the coffee shop, this has been particularly useful when training new staff.
In chapter nine you get into the development of language and communication skills, which is a difficult concept in the beginning for the mothers and daughters. At first, the mothers and daughters didn’t have the best communication skills due to the conflicts they went through. Although, when it comes to the resolutions of their problems, the mothers use semantics and syntax to give what they say meaning. Their daughters want to understand their mothers, at the same time the mothers want their daughters to understand them. This helps the daughters in many ways due to the fact that they want to feel meaning when their mothers speak instead of dysfunction. Chapter fourteen talks about the context of development that involves family, which is
When writing an essay it is essential to allow for the piece to develop and become its own organic living being. The author must allow for the paper to make mistakes therefore it can review itself and correct any confusion. This procedure of making and amending blunders can occur as many times as possible for the paper to fully evolve. Thenceforth the author must be able to look objectively at their essay and evaluate how effectively the message is being portrayed. The capability to adequately evaluate and reflect upon one 's essay is what separates the good essays from the superb ones. The essential criteria to what makes a good essay is an accomplished thesis statement, lively transitional wording, and impactful verb choices.
Chapter eleven presented several skills that can be used to start, build, and maintain interpersonal relationships with people from our daily, professional, and personal lives. I thought that all of the listed skills could be very useful and helpful in an interpersonal relationships but felt that there were a few that aren't really necessary when communicating. In my opinion, social decentering, providing support, and listening actively in order to respond effectively strike me as the most important relationship strategies. I believe that the most valuable skill to have is social decentering because it gives you a better understanding of how others will feel and think. This skill is needed to appropriately adjust you're behavior so that you can effectively communicate with others based on you're knowledge of that specific person. This will allow you to predict that person's behavior and reaction to certain situations.
Being in a relationship, I noticed that communication is key. However, there are other numerous factors that play a substantial role in the relationship. I believe in three simple things.
Using the four steps in essay writing will help you make your essay a better paper to read (Bethel University, 2014). By having a point, supportive evidence, organized with specific evidence, and write sentences clear and free of errors.
Writing is a different process for each writer who strives to put thoughts into words. In most beginning college English courses, budding writers are taught how to write by following a series of stages. There is a diversity among readers which presents a different viewpoint about a piece of work. This leads to a variety of different works because each written piece, whatever it may be, can be interpreted to mean whatever a reader wants it to mean. However, in order to present your views to other readers you must first learn the fundamentals of the writing process and how to incorporate it into a well-written essay. This takes time and much practice since the writing process is a very important method and unique process for each individual. The following paragraphs discuss this process and how to utilize it in order to synthesize thoughts and words into a concise and intelligent essay.
During the course of this semester; the variety of writing styles and essays assigned to me in my communication skills class encouraged the development of my writing skills, as well as provided me with more self-assurance in my abilities. My writing, research, and presentation abilities enhanced through practice, determination, and the understanding I gained during this course. With every single writing assignment, I learned new innovative approaches and skills, which enhanced my abilities to improve my thoughts logically, enabling me to write more clearly, and to organize my papers more effectively. At the beginning of this semester; despite the fact that I already knew the terminology MAP: message, audience, purpose; I never really
Imagine an entomologist (bug scientist) discovering a new insect. The entomologist makes close observations, looking over and over again at the subject to learn more about it. He often uses a magnifying glass and may draw a quick sketch to note the size, shape, coloring, patterns, and other features that make this particular type of insect special. Now take this same scene and picture yourself as a word scientist, closely examining a text to prepare for an essay. Congratulations! You’re now ready for today’s lesson!
Ever since I got into composition one, I was always that person that didn’t know how to set a proper process of the essay. I have tried going different varieties method how to set multiple essay in high school but my teacher never bothered to help me. There was sometimes that I did not like writing essay because I knew I was going to fail anyways. I struggled when it comes to writing essay but that didn’t stop me from succeeding. I was a little bit concerned so I had no choice but to give it all in for my best. I wanted to show my professor that I could be able to write one of the best essay I ever wrote in class. It was an eight week courses and it was tough for me to keep up with the essays. I believe that I have learned a lot in this course especially doing the MLA format.
steps to writing and it all starts with knowing who you are writing for and then following a process, although
He is both tired from jet lag, and he is irritated by the long waiting lines.
I have learned that in order to write a good, meaningful essay I have to always be prepared so I can never be caught off guard with my writing. I learned that organization is always helpful when it comes to writing. Mark Twain said, “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” One has to first write and then see the errors, so they can fix them and end up with the best piece of work.
Throughout the course at Kingston University, I have realised that communication skill is crucial aspect for any beginnings especially if you are taking this course in different language. Good communication skills is the most important factor to choose an employee. Before, let me go back and tell how it began. After graduating bachelor degree (Information Technology), back in Kazakhstan, most of my classmates started working as an IT managers, assistance in banks or commercial companies, so did I. However, I was not happy what I had achieved on that time and made a plan for three years in advance, the main objective was to receive Master’s degree qualification. When I started my master’s degree, I already knew English (Upper-intermediate