
Ethical Theories Of Vodacom

Decent Essays

MEANING OF ETHICS -ethics are the fundamental principles, morals and values that a person lives by on how to conduct themselves in different environments. They determine whether a persons actions are ethical or not based on what society defines as right or wrong ETHICAL THEORIES There are 6 different ethical theories, each with its own determination on what makes ones actions ethical or not: Principal-based theory: -this theory is reliant on set rules and regulations in a business to determine if an employee’s doings are ethical or unethical Consequence-based theory: -with this theory the result of an employees actions determine whether or not their actions are ethical Utilitarian theory: -similar to the consequence based theory, the …show more content…

The leading network provider in South Africa has recently had numbers and numbers of its customers, myself included, losing all their data and airtime at random. Many South Africans with the company have expressed their fury on social media and to the company and claim that all the has been done was send a public apology. Customers are still not please and feel an apology is not enough. This may be considered an unethical act as Vodacom had promised their customers value for their money if they bought with and from the business, yet they have taken or lost customers money and not done anything to resolve the problem or give clear explanation of what is happening. This will not only create mistrust between the company and its customers but also result in the customers leaving the company, losing money and a bad reputation in the

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