
Ethics Examples

Decent Essays

Samples of Business Ethics: 1. HONESTY: Honesty is the virtue of communicating the truth and creating trust in the minds of others. Therefore, business honesty means the virtue of communicating business truth and creating business trust in the minds of others. This communication may include verbal and non-verbal and may be transferred to customers, employees, investors, creditors, debtors, co-owners, the government, the public and anyone who may have interest in one’s business. 2. PROMISE-KEEPING: means keeping one’s commitments. When promises have been made, they are supported by the fact that the obligation to keep promises is among the most important of generally accepted obligations. Promises and agreements to stakeholders create …show more content…

They treat all individuals with equality, with tolerance and acceptance of diversity, and with an open mind. 6. CONCERN AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS. Hospitality managers are concerned, respectful, compassionate, and kind. They are sensitive to the personal concerns of their colleagues and live the Golden Rule. They respect the rights and interests of all those who have a stake in their decisions. 7. COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE. Hospitality managers pursue excellence in performing their duties and are willing to put more into their job than they can get out of it. 8. LEADERSHIP. Hospitality managers are conscious of the responsibility and opportunities of their position of leadership. They realize that the best way to instill ethical principles and ethical awareness in their organizations is by example. They walk their talk! 9. REPUTATION AND MORALE. Hospitality managers seek to protect and build the company’s reputation and the morale of its employees by engaging in conduct that builds respect. They also take whatever actions are necessary to correct or prevent inappropriate conduct of others. 10. ACCOUNTABILITY. Hospitality managers are personally accountable for the ethical quality of their decisions, as well as those of their subordinates. Samples of Filipino Values: 1. FAMILY. The Philippines is known to be a family centered nation. The Filipinos recognize their family as an important social structure that one must take care of.

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