
Evidence Based Practice On Breast Cancer Prevention

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Evidence-based practice according to Stevens (2013) began when nursing recognized a gap between what we know and what we do regarding the care of patients. Grove, Gray, & Burns (2015) noted that the goal of evidence-based practice was to include the patient and family taking an active role in their health as well as nursing to provide the best possible quality care in a safe fashion with cost effectiveness. Evidence-based practice nursing was utilized in a study by Kratzke, Wilson, & Vilchis, (2013) that reached out to rural women regarding breast cancer prevention, information seeking behaviors and interest with the use of the internet, cell phone and text messaging.
Criteria and Process for Evidence-Based Nursing
Evidence-based …show more content…

In a cross-sectional research study using McGuire’s input-output model by Kratzke, Wilson, & Vilchis (2013), it was noted that mammography rates were lower in rural vs. urban populations with less access to screening facilities and that 61% of women in New Mexico lived in areas with a shortage of primary care provider. An imaging center that served two rural counties in New Mexico was used to recruit women to evaluate breast cancer information seeking behaviors among rural women and the use of mobile technology. Inclusion criteria for the 157 participants were based on the American Cancer Society’s recommendation for mammography screening including women age 40 and older, and ability to read and write English or Spanish.
Importance of Effective Scholarship
Scholarship in nursing according to American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, n.d.) are activities that advance teaching, research, and nursing practice through inquiry that is significant to the nursing profession, is creative and can be documented, replicated and peer reviewed via multiple methods. Additionally, the practice scholarship includes all aspects of nursing service where there is a direct impact on solving a health care problem or health care problems of a community.
Four areas critical to academic work according to Boyer included the scholarship of discovery, teaching, application and integration. Discovery includes

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