
Evidence Based Practice Worksheet On Patient Care

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Evidence Based Practice Worksheet Complete the following table for each of the diseases assigned to you in NFS 715. The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how current research and evidence summaries are used to influence patient care. Intern Name Taylor Zinke Disease State Category Gastrointestinal (Chron’s) 100-word summary of your patient’s medical diagnosis, care, prognosis, and nutrition needs. USM students MUST submit a copy of their actual chart note and NCP form for this patient in NFS 567L. The patient presented to the hospital with an exacerbation of Chron’s disease and chronic diarrhea. The nutrition department was consulted for the patient’s length of stay of seven days to determine the patient’s nutrition status and …show more content…

However, all of the patients examined did exhibit a decrease in severity of the disease (P<0.0001). Additionally, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia reported a retrospective study determined that 65% of 23 patients reporting with active Chron’s reached remission with enteral nutrition therapy when 80-90% of total calorie intake received was from a semi-elemental tube feeding formula and was administered for a minimum of 12 weeks. Multiple randomized control trials examined the effects of partial enteral nutrition on Chron’s disease in adults, following a relapse of the disease. The study design consisted of 50% of total calories was to be delivered from enteral nutrition and the remaining 50% consisted of a free diet intake. It was determined that a low-fat diet and use of an elemental enteral nutrition formula for a minimum of one year, decreased the amount of disease reoccurrence. It was observed that 5% of the participants on partial enteral nutrition experienced a relapse; where as 35% of individuals on the free intake diet experienced relapse (P=0.048). 100-word summary of the EAL, Cochrane, or ASPEN evidence summary of the nutrition related guidelines DF: Gastrointestinal Disease. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2017, from

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