Good looking people can be jerks. There are a variety of people out there and that's good looking,average and bad looking My first is good looking.good looking is handsome or prite.But underneath all of that good looks is a JERKS!!!!!!.A jerk is a mean mamma jamma.All people can be jerks and some can be nice too.People can be jerks whenever they want nobody can stop them.People you may know mit even be a jerk and you might not even know that they are jerks. My second tip of person is average looking.Even a average person can a jerk.Pretty much any body can be a jerk even in school and at home. My last tip of person is a bad looking person.Any body can be a jerk at any time. Any body can be a jerk at
Judging someone based on how they look on the outside does not represent how they may
Have you ever read the book Freak the Mighty well if you haven’t you should! One of the themes of the story is don’t judge a book by its cover. This theme means that you should not base people on their appearance base them on their personality. My personal experience with this is when I went to an Angles game and saw a really old guy in the dugout which was the hitting coach for them. So do not judge people on their looks, but base them by their personality.
It can be very easy to judge someone based on their appearance. During spring break, I had met another member of my family I didn’t know about and to me she looked like she was mean and selfish. We began to hang out more and I started realizing that she was very kind and not mean or selfish. She didn’t only care about herself and I was glad that I met her. She was funny and we all hung out together with my family and played games and looked at rocks on the beach at night. I got to know so much about her that were interesting. Therefore, Rodman Philbrick wrote the book “Freak The Mighty” so that we could learn that looking at somebody doesn’t show who they actually are.
Unfortunately, the human race is very shallow. We tend to judge the appearances of others,
One thing that can be widely agreed on is that variety exists between people of the human species. Some people look physically different whether it’s through their hair texture, height, or even skin tone. Personality, however, is what truly makes up a person. That is a fact that is exemplified in everyday activities. Oftentimes, even the most attractive person can be seen as ugly upon getting to know them due to a conflict in personality.
Envision a party where there are people drinking and using drugs. The music is loud, and people are getting intense hallucinations. The neighbors disturbed by the ruckus called the authorities reporting substance use by minors. Police soon arrive soon and search the house and look around, but can the police search the house without a warrant? Would this be legal? The Fourth Amendment, with the precedent set by the Fourth Amendment viable circumstances search and seizure is ethical because it protects citizens from an unlawful entry, yet allows law enforcement to collect evidence that can be used in court.
People in society are judging people for their looks. If someone judge them for their looks the
articles. Again, the search was very limited. Realizing the need to narrow the search, I then used the CINAHL Subject Headings as a component for my search. Subject Heading Search Keeping note that the keyword retrieval left me with 3,087 articles, I then used CINAHL Headings for my search. The CINAHL Heading search allows the search of literature with certain terms desired in the references. By typing “hand washing” under the CINAHL Heading and browsed, I was given terms that were related to hand washing. The terms were ranked based on the relevancy of importance related to the subject. Handwashing was the first term found and by clicking on its link, I was taken to a term detailed screen. Listed was handwashing under the “Tree View” terms, which are hierarchy groupings of subject headings. The subheadings were also found here. I chose handwashing and infection control. By clicking on the subheadings and the “Explode” link, I then gained access to articles that contained terms about handwashing or infection control. The “Explode” link is thought of as an operators of “OR”. It is used to find articles containing the keyword or other words as chosen. Once I exploded handwashing with infection control, I found myself with 1,626 articles
To analyze my idea that first impression isn’t good enough to judge a person. some people might agree with the ideal assumption of first impressions are almost impossible to change while some of us disagree. In order to know someone better and to be a true and honest friend we have to get to know each other with certain amount of time. The you get to know somebody, the best you can evaluate them. First impression isn’t everything but it is helpful for our next level. So please people don’t judge a person by first look get to know them
How could I ever judge someone by what they looked like rather than who they are? This is by far the biggest lesson I have learned
My point is every person is more than what they seem to be but in the end it all comes down to the face value, how someone appears to be, how someone presents something.
A famous person once said “Judging a person doesn’t define who they are. It defines who YOU are.” Don’t judge someone by how they look comes out in both of the stories “The Lion and the Mouse” by Rob John and “Wonder” by R.J Palacio. Both of the stories have characters that are different from others. Both of the characters get judged, but are very helpful in the end.
People often judge or misperceive others appearances in a less than equal manner before they even know the true nature of the person. Every day we make assumptions by what we can see physically. Even in the supermarkets, we distinguish good products from bad products based on how they look. We are apt to choose good-looking products because they don’t have flaws, cracks, and bruises. Moreover, we assume them to have good qualities and good tastes. Actually, taste doesn’t deal with its looking. However, we bias in favor of assuming human nature. Since people judge human beings based on how they look, it is called prejudice. In fact, prejudice just disadvantage
A few relationships tend to be based solely on their partner’s level of attractiveness. We determine how attractive someone is, “ the prejudice of deciding what to do based solely on outward appearance could cost the pursuer the chance of a meaningful relationship” (Modern Day Adages). Although someone is “better” looking doesn’t mean anything when it comes to their character and personality. An “average” person can be more beautiful on the inside than a “better” looking person. As a society, we need to give others the opportunity to show themselves even if they’re “average.”
* I would have to choose brains. Of course, beauty can be a factor of social life (if you want to attract someone to you), though what other uses does beauty have? I say nothing else.