
Examples Of Community Of Inquiry

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1.2.1 Community of Inquiry (CI) In some studies, community of inquiry (CI) is referred to as ‘Community of Philosophical Inquiry’ or CoPI (e.g in Hannam & Echeverria, 2009), and ‘collaborative philosophical inquiry’ (e.g in Millett & Tapper, 2010). Community of inquiry is a group of people who are thinking together in order to increase their understanding and appreciation of the world. It is a journey of moral and philosophical exploration. It is a free environment to discuss critically, creatively and collaboratively on students own selective ideas and concepts which they find worth persuing (Cam, 1995, Wilks, 1995). The elements of listening, empathy, respect, friendship, and working and thinking cooperatively are present throughout the dialogical discussion, in which the participants not necessarily have to arrive at an answer. More …show more content…

The group may not fully understand the implications of a particular answer, nor the assumptions that underlie them. Over time, the group begins to understand that it needs to take these criteria into account in considering a proposed answer. Mere unsupported opinion does not suffice. The process of constantly asking for example, explanation or clarity can develop better listening skill and enhance verbal coherency, too. With multiple interactions that are taking place between the teacher and students, or between one student to another, group members must learn to stay focus. All these skills can help students to become better learners. Indirectly, CI provides the scaffolding of a good learning environment and can transform students’ attitude towards knowledge. If done correctly , CI creates the awareness that students are responsible of their own learning. The process of teaching and learning from one to another does not involve the students only, as teacher are also benefiting from it, too (Nowell, 1992, Sharp, 1987,

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