Service-focused social worker and program coordinator with a strong commitment to providing high quality care and support to people who are socially excluded or who are experiencing problems in their lives. Having a track record of working successfully with individuals, families or groups, all within a variety of settings. Well-developed understanding of contemporary social work theories and ability to incorporate these into social work practice. Excel in program and organizational planning that delivers first-rate service. Operate well within team settings, taking responsibility for individual contributions and collaborating with others through community involvement. Adept at building community support, key coalitions and strategic interagency
For this paper, I have decided to research two social work theories and how those theories apply to residents in long term care facilities. The primary focus will be those residents who are alert, oriented, and showing minimal symptoms of dementia.
Social work professions need to understand the importance of how individuals interact both with other people and their environment, to have an understanding how individuals are affected by these interactions (Rogers, p. 2). According to Rogers (2016), “Social workers are knowledgeable about human behavior across the life course; the range of social systems in which people live; and the ways social systems promote or deter people in maintaining or achieving health and well-being. Social workers apply theories and knowledge from the liberal arts to understand biological, social, cultural, psychological, and spiritual development (p. 2). Their work with clients begins with assessments to evaluations of intervention and is based in and supports of the core value system of the profession.
I met with Regina on this date; we discussed her progress at length. Regina has an appointment with her MHMR social worker, she continues to receive case management and peer support services. She was very pleased with the counseling sessions with Dr. Francis, she believes that the counseling session have helped to stay focus on the “here and now” and she said that she liked his approached, not to focus on the past.
Social Work Practicum 1 is one of the best courses I have ever partake in. It has left me with so much useful knowledge and a strong willingness to keep growing and doing the best I possibly can. We have done so many activities over the course of 3 months and I have become a better person and budding Social Worker because it. Yes, I have so much more to learn and I will walk into any situation with an open mind and the willingness to learn.
Critical social work theory does not hold one single definition; rather it refers to an expansive range of theories that a share similar orientation. Critical social work is committed to working with and for oppressed populations to achieve social transformation. Critical social work recognizes that large scale social processes namely those associated with class, race and gender fundamentally contribute to the personal and social issues social workers encounter in practice (Healy, 2001). The core mission of critical social work is to promote social justice through social work practice and policy making. Critical social work draws on structural and postmodern approaches. Similarities and differences exist between these approaches in
This research mainly formulates its arguments within the critical theory in social science using participatory and critical policy analysis. More specifically, three related theoretical and methodological approaches will be used in this study’s analysis. It is crucial to note that not only these approaches share similar foundation relating to, speaking broadly, the Marxist paradigm, but also are these theories and methodologies are interconnected as analytical tools.
101) Worker: What happened? 102) Client: Well my brother got my house raided by the cops. 103) Worker: How did that happen? 104) Client:
The reason why I picked this scenario is because I will most likely practice in a small community, and certainly will run into people I have known for years or other social conflicts.
The staff will be composed of full-time social workers. a masters in Social-Work required, LCSW preferred. The following is a job description of a social worker working in this program: The social worker will be an integral part of the comprehensive cse management of each individual client, as well as families. Job duties are as follows:
Critique of a Research Study: MSW Social Work Students and Attitudes/Phobias Towards the LGBTQ Population
Theme 3: Feelings of being in an organization far from the core of social work
In the professional field of Social Work, there are many terminologies that individuals outside of this group may not understand. During the process of assessing a problem in a family, there are different theoretical perspectives that helps social workers understand different aspects of family situations. There are eight theoretical perspectives that helps social workers understand family’s dynamic and situations. These theoretical perspectives are; system perspective, conflict perspective, exchange and choice perspective, social constructionist perspective, psychodynamic perspective, developmental perspective, social behavior perspective and humanistic perspective.
Kris is a 65 year old white female. She is currently an entrepreneur and also the manager to five of her children. Kris has a convenient lifestyle. She has a house and gets frequent visits from her children, kimberly (age 34), khloe (age 32), kourtney (36), Rob (age 29), Kendall (age 20), and Kylie (age 19).
Social Work’s core philosophy and values are centered around social justice and social well-being. Oppression, injustice, discrimination, and violence are antithetical to the social work profession. Social Work believes in strength-based approaches and the person-in-environment perspective to cater the needs and welfare of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society at large. Generally, the target populations for social work are vulnerable, marginalized, and oppressed people; however, social workers provide services to people with a wide range of problems, such as poverty, addiction, mental illness, etc. to empower them to meet their own needs. Historically, the social work profession started its operation by providing neighborhood
The Feminist theory is a movement that acts as an activist in advocating for women’s equality concerning power and gender differences. Even though the feminist theory advocates for women equality, it involves all other issues that affect different people and all genders. Feminist theory attracts the thought of wholeness and accepting differences within the society. According to Robbins (2012) , some of the contemporary issues women face includes intimate partner violence ,human trafficking ,sexual harassment to name a few. Social work practice have the need to understand human behavior to be equipped with knowledge of why people behave the way they do so as to effectively help them and Feminist theory happen to be one of those theories that apply to the Social Work practice in understanding people’s behavior. The feminist theory applies