
Examples Of Jealousy In Othello

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Throughout the drama Othello, the audience sees how conniving Iago is to convince Othello that his wife, Desdemona, is cheating on him with Cassio; although, what is actually known is Desdemona is never disloyal to her husband. Othello’s greatest fault is jealousy, he feels as if he is no longer good enough for his wife because he is getting older. The audience first sees this when Othello says, “Why did I marry? This honest creature doubtless sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds” right after Iago says his thoughts about Desdemona (Shakespeare 3.3.242-243). When Othello says this, he is starting to question his wife’s loyalty to him or whether it’s to another man. Another example that shows jealousy from Othello is when he says,

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