
Creative Writing: Short Conversation

Satisfactory Essays


通し番号02-022: Short Conversation (90-120 words)
(Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two students in class.
Alex: Hey Josh, who are you going to vote for tomorrow?
Josh: Hey Alex. I’m not sure yet. Probably Josh Martin. He said he’s going to make school tuition cheaper.
Alex: Really?
Josh: Yeah he wants to make going to public universities free, so I’ll probably vote for him. It would be great to go to school for free.
Alex: It would be great to school for free, but you have to think about what politicians promise practically. If school was free, where would the money to pay for the schools come from?
Josh: I don’t think he ever talked about where the money is …show more content…

Alex: Hey Zach! Zach!
Zach: Oh hey there friend, long time no see.
Alex: Yeah, you haven’t been to class all this week, where have you been?
Zach: Ah, well, It’s a long story…
Alex: What happened?
Zach: Well, this past weekend I started feeling very weird and sick. By body hurt a lot, especially my chest. So on Monday I went to the hospital, and I was hospitalized until the next day.
Alex: You were hospitalized! ? Why!?
Zach: It turns out I have some problems with my heart.
Alex: That’s terrible, are you okay buddy?
Zach: I’ll be fine, I just have to take heart medicine and take it easy. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. (110 words)
Q. How long has Zach been out of class?
1. One day.
2. Two weeks.
3. One week.
4. One month.
Q. Why had he been missing class?
1. Because school is too stressful.
2. Because he has a heart problem.
3. Because he has a stomach problem.
4. Because he had to go back to his family.
Q. What kind of relationship do these students probably have?
1. They don’t know each other very

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