
Explain Object Oriented Computer Program Development Techniques Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Question 1: Explain object-oriented computer program development techniques.
(PART A) Compare the principles of object oriented and procedural techniques. Object Oriented: First of all, (OOP) is the short form of objected oriented programming. It is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “objects”,Which are data structures that handle data, In the form of fields, called attributes and code, In the form of procedures,often known as methods.
Procedural Language: A procedural language is a computer programming language that defines, In order, a group of commands. Further more, What does procedural language: This language handles a list of well structured steps and procedures within its programming framework to create a program and another thing is in this language and the the second name of that language Imperative language. (PART B) Justify your decision of using object-oriented techniques by describing the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques. Advantages of object oriented techniques
Improved software: OOP provides the facility of improved software Development productivity.
Re-usability: Items can be reused in distinctive projects. 3. Faster development: Reuse enables faster development. 4. Maintainability: Articles can be observed after separately, making areas and settling issues simpler. 5. Less cost of progress: The reuse of software also lowers the cost of

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